Mafia II: Definitive Edition: Tip (How to make a gamepad work) [Win7]

Home » Gaming Tactics » Mafia II: Definitive Edition: Tip (How to make a gamepad work) [Win7]
January 22, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Mafia II: Definitive Edition: Tip (How to make a gamepad work) [Win7]

How to get gamepad to earn on Mafia II: Definitive Edition (Win7)

In order for it to work you need:

1. Delete xinput1_4.dll in the game folder (Mafia II Definitive Edition / pc /) if you copied it there after a startup error, if not, go to item 2.

2. In the folder system32 from under Windows find the file xinput1_3.dll, copy and paste into the same folder, it turns out “xinput1_3.dll – copy “, rename it to”xinput1_4.dll“.

3. We launch the game and enjoy the work of the gamepad. (XBOX One I have a gamepad).

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