Max Payne 3: Advice on how to save graphics settings (PC)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Max Payne 3: Advice on how to save graphics settings (PC)
March 9, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Max Payne 3: Advice on how to save graphics settings (PC)

For those who do not save settings on a PC, do this:
1) Create txt file commandline.txt
2) Place it in root Max Payne 3 game folder
3) Open the file and write down the commands you need:

-adapter Force the use of a specific DirectX adapter, starting at 0.
-cpucount Force the number of CPU cores in case of incorrect detection.
-d3dmt Force DirectX multithreading to be enabled.
-dx10 Use DirctX 10 if available.
-dx10_1 Use DirctX 10.1 if available.
-dx11 Use DirctX 11 if available.
-dx9 Use DirctX 9.
-frameLimit Vertical sync [0, 1, 2]; (0 – disabled)
-fullscreen Fullscreen mode.
-fxaa Set quality of anti-aliasing FXAA [0..3].
-gpucount Force the number of GPU cores in case of incorrect detection.
-height Set vertical resolution.
-MSAA Set MSAA level [0..5].
-MSAAQuality Set the MSAA quality level.
-outputMonitor Set monitor to display, starting at 0.
-reflectionquality Set the quality of reflections [0..3].
-refreshrate Set the refresh rate of the screen.
-safemode Launch the game with the safest settings.
-shadowquality Set shadow quality [0..3].
-ssao Force SSAO [0..1].
-stereo Forced stereoscopic mode [0..1] (1 – enabled)
-tessellation Set tessellation quality [0..3].
-texturefilterquality Set quality of anisotropic filtering [0..4].
-texturequality Set texture quality [0..2].
-useHighQualityShaders Force use of high quality shaders [0..1].
-waterquality Set water quality [0..2].
-width Set horizontal resolution.
-windowed Run in window mode.
-language english Force English to be enabled
-language french Force French to be enabled
-language italian Force Italian to be enabled
-language german Force German to be enabled
-language spanish Force Spanish
-language russian Forcibly enable Russian
-language portuguese Force Portuguese to be enabled
-language polish Force Polish to be enabled
4) Enjoy the game!!!

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