Medieval 2: Total War: Council (list of events)

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August 28, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Medieval 2: Total War: Council (list of events)

Medieval 2: Total War: Council (list of events) Free Download

  • 1080 – the start of the campaign.
  • 1130 (25 stroke) – invention of the mill.
  • 1138 (29 turn) – earthquake in Syria.
  • 1044 (turn 32) – flourishing of alchemy.
  • 1152 (36 move) – Paper appears in Europe.
  • 1180 (50 move) – rudder for ships.
  • 1182 (51 moves) – invention of the compass.
  • 1200 (60 stroke) – invention of the wheelbarrow.
  • 1202 (61 moves) – understanding the concept of zero.
  • 1208-1224 (turns 64-72) – rumors about the invasion of the Mongols. After a few moves, the Mongols themselves appear.
  • 1240-1250 (80-85 moves) – invention of gunpowder.
  • 1268 (94 turn) – earthquake in Sicily.
  • 1280 (100 stroke) – first mechanical watch.
  • 1283 (turn 103) – first points.
  • 1302 (111 turn) – earthquake in Egypt.
  • 1312 (116 turn) – re-earthquake in Egypt.
  • 1314 (move 117) – no ball game.
  • 1328 (turn 124) – first sawmill.
  • 1334 (127 stroke) – first chimes.
  • 1336 (turn 128) – first weather forecast.
  • 1346 (turn 133) – rumors of the Black Death.
  • 1348 (turn 134) – the first plague outbreak in Europe. Repeats for the next three years.
  • 1350 (135 turns) – first blast furnace.
  • 1362 (141 turns) – hurricane Grote Mandrenke, marking the beginning of the Little Ice Age.
  • 1368-1384 years (144-152 moves) – rumors about the Timurid invasion. After a few moves, they themselves appear.
  • 1400 (160 stroke) – invention of a musical instrument that works like a piano.
  • 1400-1408 (160-164 turns) – rumors that the Earth is round.
  • 1420 (170 stroke) – first oil painting.
  • 1444 (183 move) – treatise “On scientific ignorance” by Nikolai Kuzansky – the forerunner of the ideas of the Renaissance.
  • 1454 (stroke 187) – invention of the printing press.
  • 1456 (188 stroke) – earthquake in Naples.
  • 1486 (turn 203) – the treatise “Hammer of the Witches”, marking the beginning of the “Witch Hunt” of the Renaissance.
  • 1492 (turn 206) – invention of the ornithopter by Leonardo da Vinci.
  • 1510 (215 stroke) – first wristwatch.
  • 1530 (225 turn) – the end of the game (it can be continued, but there will be no more inventions, historical events and new types of troops).

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