Need For Speed: Underground 2: Tips

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April 2, 2020
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Need For Speed: Underground 2: Tips

The advice is this:
Before you start playing the W.R.L. you must complete all hidden races, all special competitions and other races on your map. Otherwise, after you complete all W.R.L. races on the map half of the icons will disappear and the game will not be 100% completed.


The best way to replenish nitrogen is to avoid colliding with city cars by passing close to them in a dense manner. But collisions with them lead nitrogen to decrease.


During free ride, press and hold the “DELETE” button, and then press the buttons-up, right, left, down. As a result, the car will begin to rise up and down..


To add nitrogen just spin the car in place.


In general, if you want to quickly and conveniently earn extra money in the city (with each new open city, the rates for these races are raised), then – go to the ring with a bump stop in the middle, look for an opponent moving behind the bump stop, press the race and turn on the nitrogen…
The main thing is to get ahead a little, then the opponent will turn around and go back, which will ensure you victory … and naturally a small reward…
first 50, then 100, then 200…


If you have completed the game and you received an SMS with text that says that you have gone to the game. It happened to me when I passed 66% of the game. So to go through all 100% of the game you need to go to the GARAGE and select the “World Map” or something like that, then select Stages and if there are uncompleted races then GO !!! Good luck!


Another surefire way to replenish nitrogen is to use it best on a straight road, you need to go in reverse. I managed to gain up to 3000 points by filling nitruha in one fell swoop..


Press the left H and the forward or up key (right or left) to turn on the hydraulics. After that, hold down the left J and press the forward or up keys (right or left).


To win the distance race, you first need to take the lead, and then find a wide area and turn 180 degrees. The enemy will carry out this operation for a long time and will lose.


Another very good and quick way to get NITROGEN is to drive exactly after the opponent, DRIFTING +100 … + 200 … 300 + … will appear, etc..


Even before the start, you need to quickly press on the nitrogen, then it will add.
Skid (drift).
When you go there, the main thing is not to come first, but the main thing is to score more points with a slide! Don’t rush! Circle in one place! Unfortunately it won’t work for a long time…
Drag (dreg).
No need to change gear when you start! This will only lead to the worst! And when for the second time you need to switch, then you wait two seconds, and then switch! Etc…
If you race with dudes who just ride around the city, you can win cool unique things.


To immediately replenish all the nitrogen, you must press “Esc” then select “to the garage” and immediately go to the “research mode” of the nitrogen graph will be complete, and using any previously published methods of replenishing it, you can dial the second nitrogen column, which can be used in some types of races.


I have only one piece of advice. This means that if you cannot overtake your opponent without problems, approach him so that he is on the floor of the body in front of you, adjust to him closely and press the right or left key (depending on where the opponent is). It starts to drift and after a while it will turn 180 degrees. Only this joke should be done when you are driving one-on-one, otherwise the rest will overtake both of you..


If you want to earn a lot of unique things and swing your Lyalu according to the rating, then often arrange races with other cars. When you go across the bridge and turn sharply into another street, the enemy crashes, and you won.


In order to receive reputation points and money for missed races, access to which is possible from the “Garage-World Map-Stages” menu, you need to make a Restart before the start of the selected race. Your money, reputation, as well as the percentage of completion of the game are in your pocket. unless of course you win.


Guys, I’m talking about driving in a straight line. Choose preferably a front-wheel drive car (I have a Civic), as when maneuvering or when changing lane from row to row, as they say, it starts to drive the backside – and basically these are cars with a classic drive like the Lexus IS 300 (it comes to the point that you can fly off tracks). All-wheel drive is also possible. If a wheelbarrow with an upgrade (technically), then it is better to learn how to crush from 2000-3000 rpm – this will give a sharp start and without slipping and learn to change gears in time, do not re-gas as you lose dynamics! If you learn, then you can calmly pull Golf even 350th Nissan. It is advisable to practice free riding with mechanics. By the way, when they want to bypass you, push them and do not let them forward..


The surest way to add nitrogen is to jack turn..
To do this, you need to go somewhere at 250 km / h, press to the right or left and at the same time hold down the space bar – then you will be spun 360 degrees. The main thing is to level the machine after turning. 500 points will be awarded for such a trick..


In a distance race, if you race with an opponent for more than 25 minutes and you win, then he gives you a SUPER performance improvement.


I didn’t like drifting until I cut one thing: in the middle left there is such a small screen, and on it there are such big letters “X …”, only instead of … – numbers, so these numbers are a multiplier. At the beginning X1, and this multiplier of points cannot be cut off. If you drive well (the message “Good drift”), then there will be X2, then (“Excellent drift”) – X3, and if you get X4 – generally fly away, rather cut off points. So the main thing is not to crash into the walls. As soon as the touch is X1, and again on a new one.


How to hit a big jackpot at the very beginning of the Skid race.
You need to overtake your rivals at the very beginning of the race and make a sharp 90-degree turn so that they crash into your car, these fools will drive it thirty meters and you will immediately rake in a lot of points.


To inspect the car while tuning, hold the mouse wheel and turn it in the desired direction.

Street x (street x).
It is very difficult … When there is a sharp turn, then turn in advance or slow down! And if you chase like a madman, then you will drive along the side of the road and they will overtake you! Do not do that…


How to combine UNIQUE vinyls with NORMAL vinyls

We go into the red shop, and apply three (or less, if desired) layers of ordinary vinyls on the car, then we buy them, and ONLY after that we choose the unique vinyl we like, give the command to choose, agree with the warning of the system that it will take up all layers, and don’t get discouraged when the selected regular vinyls are gone. To get them back, select any of those layers that previously had the missing vinyls, press Enter and select “Change”. Oops – behold a miracle! Layers emerge, unique and common vinyls coexist peacefully. And the fact that it doesn’t always look good is another question..
If someone does not understand Th, re-read and ponder.
Well, in the case when it does not work out at all, and you really want to make the car beautiful, write to ICQ 334880061.

And before I forget, I’ll tell you about the complete passage of the game: surely many of those who opened the whole city, all the cars and decided to go through the remaining unpaved tracks through the so-called. World Map, wondered why, after winning some races, they do not give money? They just write that they won, and that’s it. I myself do not know the answer to this question, but I know how it is treated. Just at the beginning of the race (or in any other place of it – it doesn’t matter) you restart the race and already go to the end. Money will give for sure.

The game was played on a two-disc version of the Platinum series.


I advise you: do not drive like mad when cornering! do not! You need to slow down, and only then just go! Beware of being caught up!

First, you need to turn on half of your nitro acceleration in the dreg! Then switch to “excellent gear”, and then you need to either “excellent” or “good”!

Easy tracks! you only need to develop speed and drive like crazy! You can outrun your rivals by one lap! I did it…

Drive, drive … responsible track! DO NOT lose, otherwise you will not get a car! True, the turns there are harsh … but you can!

Take a Hummer or some other big car and a new SVO race appears on the street i.e. Drift, and all this must be done in the company.


Drift Race.
There are the usual “drift” races ie. circular, there are separate tracks that are much more difficult to pass. On these tracks, at sharp turns there is a gravel lane that separates the bump stop from the road, and individual turns have a fork. So, if you drive with a skid on a gravel strip or along one of these forks, then the points for a skid will be awarded much more. On gravel strips this is not very easy to do, but on the branches it is just free glasses, only a decent speed is needed. I personally scored 80,000 points at one of the forks, which greatly simplified the passage of the route. These drift races are only in the “Jackson Heights” (kind of written :))).


Drift (Downhill drift), there are places with a fork, as soon as you saw them on the map, drive there (try to accelerate), get there, spin and spin as you can, I gained 400,000 points.


How to quickly replenish nitrogen? Drive backwards. And how to drive backwards without crashing? Press the Latin letter K and you will see the car in front.

NFS has a Mitsubishi Lanser Evo 8 – good for drifting. In some races (on closed tracks) I scored 80,000 points in one corner. And in the city and at all 150,000. I advise you to try.

In NFS, in the store where you can buy spare parts, there is such a DINO Settings tab.
There is almost nothing important here, but you can greatly tune the car. I will give advice on how to set up a car for drag with Tier 3 parts. First, choose Drag. Go into the gearbox, at the bottom there is Max Speed ​​and Max Acceleration. I advise you to move the setting towards Max Speed. But there is a higher gear setting (1,2,3,4,5,6) There, in the 1st, 2nd, move the slider to the maximum to the left, leave the 3rd in the middle, 4th, 5th and 6th gradually shift to the right (the 6th should be at the maximum to the right.) Select turbo. There is something like a table. You need to raise the last columns up, and the first three (four) to the maximum down. They will all creep, but don’t get confused, you know what to do. In EKEU something similar, but the beginning and end should be at the top, and the middle should be max. down below. Now select the dino test and compare the parameters, if that can always be returned back. (Default)


When you compete with an ordinary rival who just drives around the city, then do not rush to agree to the race. First, ride next to him so that he is half-hull ahead. At this moment, we sharply turn in the direction of the enemy so that he turns about 180 degrees. Quickly, before it’s too late, we agree to the race and fly forward. Most likely, in 10 seconds you will win the race. Helped me.


When swinging a car (engine, ECU, suspension, etc.), pay attention to DINO tests! By adjusting the engine control unit (ECY or ECY) and the turbo, you can squeeze everything out of the car. Configuring ECU table type. You need to move the first and last slider to the maximum, and lower those in the middle. You can also do it differently: the first 3 to the minimum, and the rest – as close to the maximum as possible. Turbo must be configured the same way.
Care must be taken when adjusting the suspension. With an increase in clearance, controllability decreases, and with a decrease in it, it increases. For all races (except drift) it is better to reduce the clearance. For drift – increase.

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