Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

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January 6, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 1.1. It’s hard not to notice

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

second on the pillar

Chapter 1.2. After chasing Ustanaki, over the shower room (play Sherri)

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)
Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 1.3. At the exit from the tunnel

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 2.1. The first is on the mountain (the icy road leads to the tractor)

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

we follow further into the house (on the right is a flash drive with info). From the left window you can see

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)
Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 2.2. This one is hard to get. We need to knock her down on a snowmobile. She will be in front of the cave entrance (keep to the right and you will see her)

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 2.3. Cave. Labyrinth with beetles (at the exit). First take the emblem and then go out the door. After the noise Ustanaka will come running to you, you can have time to escape.

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)
Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 3.1. Playing for Jake. We remove the emblem with a camera with a machine gun.

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)
Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

After getting dressed, we run straight into the room. We look on the shelf

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)
Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 3.2. In the statue. Will become available after the tank destroys the statue

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)
Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Another at the exit from the mansion, behind the steps

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)
Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 4.1. Chase. On the sign on the left (during slowdown when you need to destroy the truck with fuel)

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 4.3. After destroying the helicopter, go to the streets

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

after falling from the balcony you will see another

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

later there will be a staircase, behind it you can see the emblem

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 5.1. Take the weapon and then return where you were held.

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 5.2. In a cabinet on a shelf (in one of the sectors, sector D if I am not mistaken), the lower one is shorter)

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 5.3. Fight with Ustanaka. When you run away from him you can see her

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

Chapter 5.4. Boat center.

Resident Evil 6: Council / Hint (Emblem Locations / Jake and Sherry)

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