Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

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January 6, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 1.1. It’s hard not to notice

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

second on the pillar

Chapter 1.2. After chasing Ustanaki, over the shower room (play Sherri)

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)
Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 1.3. At the exit from the tunnel

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 2.1. The first is on the mountain (the icy road leads to the tractor)

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

we follow further into the house (on the right is a flash drive with info). From the left window you can see

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)
Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 2.2. This one is hard to get. We need to knock her down on a snowmobile. She will be in front of the cave entrance (keep to the right and you will see her)

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 2.3. Cave. Labyrinth with beetles (at the exit). First take the emblem then go out the door.

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

After the noise Ustanaka will come running to you, you can have time to escape.

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)
Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 3.1. Playing for Jake. We remove the emblem with a camera with a machine gun.

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)
Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

After getting dressed, we run straight into the room. We look on the shelf

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)
Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 3.2. In the statue. Will become available after the tank destroys the statue

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)
Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Another at the exit from the mansion, behind the steps

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)
Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 4.1. Chase. On the sign on the left (during slowdown when you need to destroy the truck with fuel)

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 4.3. After destroying the helicopter, go to the streets

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

after falling from the balcony you will see another

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

later there will be a staircase, behind it you can see the emblem

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 5.1. Take the weapon and then return where you were held.

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 5.2. In a cabinet on a shelf (in one of the sectors, sector D if I am not mistaken), the lower one is shorter)

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 5.3. Fight with Ustanaka. When you run away from him you can see her

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

Chapter 5.4. Boat center.

Resident Evil 6: The Council (Emblem / Jake and Sherry Locations)

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