Risk of Rain 2: Advice (Hack Lunar Coins)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Risk of Rain 2: Advice (Hack Lunar Coins)
September 25, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Risk of Rain 2: Advice (Hack Lunar Coins)

To use the cheat, you will need to take the following steps;

Go to the Steam folder located on drive C. It is usually located in C:> Program Files (x86) unless you have changed it previously.
Go to Userdata.
Open the only folder that should be there.
Go to the folder named 632360 (this is the Risk of Rain 2 folder)
Open the Remote folder.
Open the UserProfiles folder.
You will see an XML file. Open this with Notepad.
At the very beginning, about 3-4 lines you will see coin> with the number of coins you currently own between two sets of brackets like> 4<  (4 монеты)
Change this value to whatever you want. For example 20 coin> will give you 20 moon coins.
Now save the file and run the game and you will have that many moon coins.
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