Saints Row 2: Map of CD locations, graffiti, jumps, recreational flights, secret areas and more.
Here is a detailed map (with screenshots) of the locations of all trick jumps, graffiti, CDs, recreational flights, secret zones, etc..
It looks like this:
On the right side we see the menu, put a checkmark next to the object that interests you, and on the map in those places where these objects are located, labels will appear.
By clicking on the label you need, some info will appear at the location of this object and in the miniature two screenshots (when you click on them, they will open in normal size).
Below the menu is a mini version of the city map, divided into five territories, when you click on the desired territory, it will open in an approximate version.
Everything is in Russian!)
1) unpack the archive.
2) run autorun.exe
Differences from the previous map:
* All in Russian!
* Specified more accurate location of objects.
* More detailed, there are screenshots for each tag + some information (hint).
* Removed browser binding.
* Removed tags for various side jobs. I don’t see the need for them, they are in the game too.
* Added tags for: secret zones, Hitman part-time job, bonus mission, some Easter eggs.
* Added for “stunt jumps” and “entertainment flights” the ability to pick up video files (avi). That is, now you can upload your video, which shows a jump / flight, and when you click on the label, the video file you downloaded will be launched. To do this, you need to take the video file, rename it to “1.avi” (the number is the jump / flight number), and drop it into the folder:
for flight – “Saints_Row_2_Map_Rus_ [BBC] AutoPlayVideosFly”,
for the jump – “Saints_Row_2_Map_Rus_ [BBC] AutoPlayVideosjump”.
* Added the ability to hide the label (RMB on the label).
P.S. If you notice any mistakes, write, I will correct.
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