StarDrive 2 Tip (Change Card Size)

Home » Gaming Tactics » StarDrive 2 Tip (Change Card Size)
December 28, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

StarDrive 2 Tip (Change Card Size)

If it seems to someone that the cards are too small for the game, you can increase it a little. For this you need artmoney or any similar program. Further step by step:

  1. Launch Stardrive. Choose the race for which you will play. Then, on the galaxy map generation screen, select the “number of systems” (well, for example, 78).
  2. Press alt + tab. Launch artmoney. Start the search for the selected number of galaxies using the following parameters: integer, 4 bytes, normal byte order. After the end of the search, switch to the game, change the number of systems to another value. 
  3. Switch to artmoney again and filter out the result. So until one value remains. This value will be the size of the map..
  4. Set the value you want (the maximum value in the game is 200) and start the game.

The more the size of the map is set, the more the game will load and the more you will have to wait between turns. Managed to launch a 1600 map. Races will still be generated within the original 200 systems from the center of the map.

Good luck everyone!

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