The Evil Within: Tip (How to remove blur and gray filter + FPS increase)

Home » Gaming Tactics » The Evil Within: Tip (How to remove blur and gray filter + FPS increase)
March 13, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

The Evil Within: Tip (How to remove blur and gray filter + FPS increase)

1) find the evil withinConfig file, which is located here:

C: \ Users \<<Вы как пользователь>> \ Saved Games \ Saved Games \ TangoGameworks \ The Evil Within \ base

2) open it in notepad, write r_skipglare “1” at the very bottom
3) check the read-only checkbox in the properties, if this is not done, you will have to repeat points 1) and 2) each time, otherwise the settings will be reset.



The Evil Within: Tip (How to remove blur and gray filter + FPS increase)


The Evil Within: Tip (How to remove blur and gray filter + FPS increase)


The Evil Within: Tip (How to remove blur and gray filter + FPS increase)


The Evil Within: Tip (How to remove blur and gray filter + FPS increase)

P.S This whole procedure will add a few more fps, which will greatly help users with a weak or medium computer.

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