The Last Remnant: Tips (How to Replace NPC Equipment)

Home » Gaming Tactics » The Last Remnant: Tips (How to Replace NPC Equipment)
July 27, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

The Last Remnant: Tips (How to Replace NPC Equipment)

Change NPC equipment:
In the folder My Games \ The Last Remnant \ RushGame \ Config, find the file “RushEngine.ini”
open it with a Block and find this line:

bExSettingUseAllMemberEquip = FALSE

Change the value “FALSE” to “TRUE” (no marks) and save the file.
Now you yourself can change the NPC’s tension, but they will all ask
new equipment. If you agree and give it any prediction, then it will be
automatically placed in the slot, while the previous one will be.
So connect the NPCs yourself, but ignore their requests if you want to sell
or modify the items they carry.

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