The Legend of Korra: Advice (Cheat Codes for Secret Costumes and Items) [PC]

Home » Gaming Tactics » The Legend of Korra: Advice (Cheat Codes for Secret Costumes and Items) [PC]
January 6, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

The Legend of Korra: Advice (Cheat Codes for Secret Costumes and Items) [PC]

Click Cheat Codes for costumes in Korra’s Room. (Korra’s room)

  • Spirit’s Outfit
The Legend of Korra: Advice (Cheat Codes for Secret Costumes and Items) [PC]

The first one to the left of the standard one. Push 1-1-3-3-LMB (Left Mouse Button) when the suit silhouette is selected.


  • Chi-Blocker Outfit
The Legend of Korra: Advice (Cheat Codes for Secret Costumes and Items) [PC]

Push 1-3-1-PKM-LKM-PKM with the selected costume silhouette. 


  • For a secret talisman that increases damage dealt. (which needs to be equipped)

In the store, click 2-2-4-4-LMB


Have a good game 🙂

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