The Walking Dead: Survival Instincts: Tip (optimize settings, hidden settings) (settings.ini)

Home » Gaming Tactics » The Walking Dead: Survival Instincts: Tip (optimize settings, hidden settings) (settings.ini)
September 14, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Walking Dead: Survival Instincts: Tip (optimize settings, hidden settings) (settings.ini)

With the release of this game, topics often began to appear about the fact that the game is poorly optimized..
In general, the topic is dedicated to those who hang the game The Walking Dead – Survival Instinct.
Especially the theme will help those who have AMD graphics cards.
In general, the trouble is that in the game we are not presented with all the settings, but only a small part. All of them are located in the settings.ini file in the game folder, along the path /editdata/system/settings.ini
Open the file there and change all the text there to this:

posX2 = 0
posY2 = 0
sizeX2 = 800
sizeY2 = 480

gamePIXX = 800
gamePIXY = 480
rendererDLLPath = tridx8tl.dll
currentBoard = 0
bumpMapFlag = 0
textureDetail = 0
wideScreenFlag = 0
SSAO = 0
lockTo30Hz = 0
lockTo60Hz = 0
antiAliasMultipleX = 0
antiAliasMultipleY = 0
runWindowed = 0
frapsMode = 0
backBufferCount = 0
shadowDetail = 0
MLAA = 0
simRate = 0
lightShafts = 0

L1 = 6
L2 = 4
L3 = 10
R1 = 7
R2 = 5
R3 = 11
Start = 8
Select = 9
DPadUp = 30
DPadDown = 31
DPadLeft = 28
DPadRight = 29

nick =
Before that, my FPS value did not rise above 20-25, now it is stable at 40-50, that is, it is acceptable.
My config:

Operating System = Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic Edition (build 7600), 64-bit
Physical RAM = 3070 MB
CPU name = AMD Athlon ™ II P360 Dual-Core Processor
Vendor / Model = AuthenticAMD (stepping 03)
CPU speed = 2.294 ghz (2 logical threads)
Also, there are often questions about the steam_api.dll file.
It disappears for everyone, because this is a cracked file and YOUR antivirus immediately removes it, so here one of two things, either disable the antivirus before installation, or return the file from quarantine (if there is one) and put it in exceptions.

I would also advise you to run the game on behalf of the Administrator, some have a better flight (O_o).
You can also add the paging file value.
They say setting up the video card itself from the control panel helps (all values ​​are on Optimization).

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