XCOM 2: Advice (How to increase / decrease the Avatar project counter)

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September 3, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

XCOM 2: Advice (How to increase / decrease the Avatar project counter)

XCOM 2: Advice (How to increase / decrease the Avatar project counter)

To increase / decrease the counter of the project avatar, you need to go to the file called: “Config”.

File path: Steam / steamapps / common / XCOM 2 / XComGame / Config

We find the following lines in the file:
AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue [0] = 0; Easy
AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue [0] = 12
AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue [1] = 0; Normal
AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue [1] = 12
AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue [2] = 0; Classic
AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue [2] = 12
AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue [3] = 0; Impossible
AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue [3] = 12

And depending on what level of difficulty you play, change “12” to as much as you need. It is recommended to create a new game.

XCOM 2: Advice (How to increase / decrease the Avatar project counter)

Here is an example, delivered 999.

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