Ex Machina: Tip (Fix bugs with cheat codes)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Ex Machina: Tip (Fix bugs with cheat codes)
January 27, 2020
4 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Ex Machina: Tip (Fix bugs with cheat codes)

paste this into Data / scripts / cheats if cheats stopped working click move with replacement

function GiveMoney (money)
if testcheat () ~ = 1 then return end
local mmm = 1000
if money then mmm = money end
AddPlayerMoney (mmm)

function GiveAll ()
if testcheat () ~ = 1 then return end
gimmegimmegimme ()

function GiveVehicle (num)
if testcheat () ~ = 1 then return end
local model = “Bug01”
if num == 1 then
model = “Bug01”
elseif num == 2 then
model = “Molokovoz01”
elseif num == 3 then
model = “Ural01”
elseif num == 4 then
model = “Belaz01”
elseif num == 5 then
model = “mirotvorecTest”
elseif num == 6 then
model = “CoolBelaz”
elseif num == 7 then
model = “Revolutioner1”
elseif num == 8 then
model = “Hunter01”
elseif num == 9 then
model = “ArcadeScout01”
elseif num == 10 then
model = “UralShot”
elseif num == 11 then
model = “BelazShot”
elseif num == 12 then
model = “MirotvorecShot”
elseif num == 13 then
model = “Cruiser01”
elseif num == 14 then
model = “Dozer01”
elseif num == 15 then
model = “Hunter01”
elseif num == 16 then
model = “Hunter02”
elseif num == 17 then
model = “Fighter01”
elseif num == 18 then
model = “Fighter02”
elseif num == 19 then
model = “Scout01”
elseif num == 20 then
model = “Scout02”
elseif num == 21 then
model = “Scout03”
elseif num == 22 then
model = “Tank01”
elseif num == 23 then
model = “RobotBobot01”
elseif num == 24 then
model = “RobotBobot02”
elseif num == 25 then
model = “RobotMetatron”
AddPlayerVehicle (model)

function ShowMap ()
local mapsize = GET_GLOBAL_OBJECT (“CurrentLevel”): GetLandSize () * 128
local mapname = GET_GLOBAL_OBJECT (“CurrentLevel”): GetLevelName ()
ShowRectOnMinimap (mapname, 1, 1, mapsize, mapsize)

–„“ N Ѓg Є®ў 🙂

function god (md)
if testcheat () ~ = 1 then return end
local mode = 1
if md then mode = md end
GetPlayerVehicle (): setGodMode (mode)

function truck (number)
GiveVehicle (number)

function car (number)
GiveVehicle (number)

function skin (num)
local number = 0
if num then number = num end
GetPlayerVehicle (): SetSkin (number)

function giveall ()
if testcheat () ~ = 1 then return end
AddPlayerMoney (10000)

local v = GetPlayerVehicle ()

v: AddModifier (“maxhp”, “+ 10000”)
v: AddModifier (“hp”, “+ 15000”)

v: AddModifier (“maxfuel”, “+ 10000”)
v: AddModifier (“fuel”, “+ 11000”)

function teleport ()
if testcheat () ~ = 1 then return end
MovePlayerToCamera ()

function cab (num)
if testcheat () ~ = 1 then return end
local number = 1
if num then number = num end
local curcab = GetPlayerVehicle (): GetCabin (): GetProperty (“Prototype”). AsString
local len = strlen (curcab)
local newcab = strsub (curcab, 1, len-1) .. number
GetPlayerVehicle (): SetNewPart (“CABIN”, newcab)

function cargo (num)
if testcheat () ~ = 1 then return end
local number = 1
if num then number = num end
local curcargo = GetPlayerVehicle (): GetBasket (): GetProperty (“Prototype”). AsString
local len = strlen (curcargo)
local newcargo = strsub (curcargo, 1, len-1) .. number
GetPlayerVehicle (): SetNewPart (“BASKET”, newcargo)

function giveguns ()
–Ћђ “† €…
if testcheat () ~ = 1 then return end
local veh = GetPlayerVehicle ()
local parts = {“CABIN _”, “BASKET _”, “CHASSIS_”}
local slots = {“SMALL _”, “BIG _”, “GIANT _”, “SIDE_”}
local guns = {“GUN”, “GUN_0”, “GUN_1”, “GUN_2”}
local smallgun = {“hornet01”, “specter01”, “pkt01”, “kord01”, “maxim01”, “storm01”, “fagot01”}
local biggun = {“rapier01”, “vector01”, “vulcan01”, “flag01”, “kpvt01”, “rainmetal01”, “elephant01”, “odin01”, “bumblebee01”, “omega01”}
local giantgun = {“cyclops01”, “octopus01”, “hurricane01”, “rocketLauncher”, “big_swingfire01”}
local sidegun = {“hailSideGun”, “marsSideGun”, “zeusSideGun”, “hunterSideGun”}
local i, j, k = 1,1,1
while parts do
while slots [j] do
while guns [k] do
— LOG (parts..slots [j] .. guns [k])
local gun = 1
local slot = parts..slots [j] .. guns [k]
if j == 1 then
gun = smallgun [random (7)]
elseif j == 2 then
gun = biggun [random (10)]
elseif j == 3 then
gun = giantgun [random (5)]
elseif j == 4 then
gun = sidegun [random (4)]

— LOG (gun)
if veh: CanPartBeAttached (slot) then
LOG (slot .. “-” ..gun)
veh: SetNewPart (slot, gun)
k = k + 1
k = 1
j = j + 1
j = 1
i = i + 1

function map ()
ShowMap ()

function givemoney (money)
if testcheat () ~ = 1 then return end
local mmm = 1000
if money then mmm = money end
AddPlayerMoney (mmm)

function suicide ()
GetPlayerVehicle (): AddModifier (“hp”, “= 0”)

function OpenEncyclopaedia ()
Journal: ShowAllInEncyclopaedia ()

function testcheat ()
if GetComputerName () == “JSINX” or GetComputerName () == “ANTON2” or
GetComputerName () == “MIF2000” or GetComputerName () == “HRRR” or
GetComputerName () == “PHOSGEN” or GetComputerName () == “ALEXTG” or
GetComputerName () == “MAIN” or GetComputerName () == “POWERPLANT” or
GetComputerName () == “VANO” or GetComputerName () == “STAZ” then
return 1
if anticheat == 0 then
LOG (“———————- CHEAT WAS USED ——— ANTICHEAT ———— —– “)
AddFadingMsgId (“fm_cheat_is_allowed”)
AddImportantFadingMsgId (“fm_cheat_is_allowed”)
return 1
LOG (“———————- CHEAT CAN’T BE USED —- ANTICHEAT ————– — “)
AddFadingMsgId (“fm_cheat_is_not_allowed”)
AddImportantFadingMsgId (“fm_cheat_is_not_allowed”)
return 0

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