Dungeon Mans 2 / The Hunt for the Black Square: Tip (Game Tips and Tactics)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Dungeon Mans 2 / The Hunt for the Black Square: Tip (Game Tips and Tactics)
February 26, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Dungeon Mans 2 / The Hunt for the Black Square: Tip (Game Tips and Tactics)

So the FAQ:
1. Who to create a unique weapon (butcher, caramulk, shvorts)?
At Ron’s in Gangarena’s house (northern city).
2. And who will create the armor of God?
At a vendor in Barbados (Aryan Weapon Shop), but this quest appears after the Aryan conference has passed and you will receive a new title.
3. (The most common question) Before Borzov’s death, the game freezes, give a save.
You don’t need save, just go to Greyhound not with a schizo and not with a black man, but only with Seku-Chinese (it also hung in the license).

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