This file contains the contents of useful game files, knowing that you can add the file you need to your local node at any game moment. I recommend using third-party text editors (Notepad ++, Akelpad) to copy fragments to the clipboard in order to avoid copying parasitic service symbols.
Compiled by [Desh] 11/01/2016
I. Get an unnecessary text file in any way, for example:
1. Close Notes
2. Create a backup of the current notes with the commands “cd home“”mv Notes.txt Notes.bak“
3. Team “addNote @“create in the directory” home “a new file” Notes.txt “with the content” @ “
4. Close Notes
II. Replace the contents of this file with the binary code of the required * .exe / *. Sys file, for example Clock.exe:
1. Open the created file “Notes.txt” with the commands “cd home“”cat Notes.txt“
2. Replace the contents of the “Notes.txt” file with the binary code of the required * .exe file with the command “replace @ 100101110010111110111101110011100111000001111011010110100001111000001000110000011001100111111111100000011111010110101101010101001100110000011110111010101110001111110110110001011110100010101011110001101110001010101101100001010111001100010111010111010000000110111110100111101111001111010100110110110011011001110001001010011001000101011110111001100011111011110101011011010100010001010101111111001100001001111010011000010110101110000“please note that the game terminal supports text insertion by Ctrl + V
3. Close the file, for example, with the command “ls“
III. Rename the resulting file and move it to the directory of executable / system files, for example:
1. Run the commands “cd home“and”mv Notes.txt ../bin/Clock.exe“
IV. Restore notes from a backup if this method was used, for example:
1. Run the commands “cd home“and”mv Notes.bak Notes.txt“
This description is present in the file