Hacknet: Tip (Contents of Hacknet Game Useful Files)

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March 10, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Hacknet: Tip (Contents of Hacknet Game Useful Files)


This file contains the contents of useful game files, knowing that you can add the file you need to your local node at any game moment. I recommend using third-party text editors (Notepad ++, Akelpad) to copy fragments to the clipboard in order to avoid copying parasitic service symbols.

Compiled by [Desh] 11/01/2016


I. Get an unnecessary text file in any way, for example:

1. Close Notes
2. Create a backup of the current notes with the commands “cd home“”mv Notes.txt Notes.bak
3. Team “addNote @“create in the directory” home “a new file” Notes.txt “with the content” @ “
4. Close Notes

II. Replace the contents of this file with the binary code of the required * .exe / *. Sys file, for example Clock.exe:

1. Open the created file “Notes.txt” with the commands “cd home“”cat Notes.txt
2. Replace the contents of the “Notes.txt” file with the binary code of the required * .exe file with the command “replace @ 100101110010111110111101110011100111000001111011010110100001111000001000110000011001100111111111100000011111010110101101010101001100110000011110111010101110001111110110110001011110100010101011110001101110001010101101100001010111001100010111010111010000000110111110100111101111001111010100110110110011011001110001001010011001000101011110111001100011111011110101011011010100010001010101111111001100001001111010011000010110101110000“please note that the game terminal supports text insertion by Ctrl + V
3. Close the file, for example, with the command “ls

III. Rename the resulting file and move it to the directory of executable / system files, for example:

1. Run the commands “cd home“and”mv Notes.txt ../bin/Clock.exe

IV. Restore notes from a backup if this method was used, for example:

1. Run the commands “cd home“and”mv Notes.bak Notes.txt

This description is present in the file

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