UFO: Extraterrestrials: Tip (Save Game Editing)

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May 5, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

UFO: Extraterrestrials: Tip (Save Game Editing)

Editing save files:

First you have to unpack the save files with the command:

ProjectX.exe saveeditor.xscr unpack slot {n}

where {n} is the save slot you want to use.
This command will create 3 text files.

Open globeSave.xsv in any text editor.
Change the value after ‘actualFinance’ to 2,000,000,000
to get a lot of money.

Find the values:
agilityACT / agilityMAX, braveryACT / braveryMAX,
perceptionACT / perceptionMAX, shootingACT / shootingMAX,
strengthACT / strengthMAX, throwingACT / throwingMAX,
vitalityACT / vitalityMAX
and change their values ​​to 100 for maximum statistics.

Change all ‘rank’ values ​​to 12 for high rank.
Meanings of ‘Technicians’ and ‘Scientists’
responsible for the speed of development and production.
To speed up construction, change the ‘build’ value to ‘true’.
The ‘storeItems’ value is responsible for collecting items from your base.

After editing, collect the saves with the command:
ProjectX.exe saveeditor.xscr pack slot {n}

where {n} is the save slot you want to use.

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