Colin Mcrae: Dirt 2: Tips (Solving GFWL Save Game Issues)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Colin Mcrae: Dirt 2: Tips (Solving GFWL Save Game Issues)
May 27, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Colin Mcrae: Dirt 2: Tips (Solving GFWL Save Game Issues)

On the red faction guerilla forums, I read that many new games have problems with saving precisely because of games for windows live. It just needs to be updated.
1. Download GFWL from this link
2. Delete your old GFWL
3. Install downloaded
4. In the game through the new GFWL, create a new offline profile and always play only through it (at each start, the game will offer to enter the LIVE profile)
Everything seems to work.

P.S. Avtar nor me, if someone needs it

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