Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)
June 24, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)

Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)
Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)
Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)
Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)
Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)
Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)
Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)
Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)
Minecraft: Council (Hidden Chest)

Hello! Here I will show you how to build a secret chest under the stairs..

First, we make a hole in the cobblestone wall as in screen 1. (only 5 blocks)

We put the chest and the piston as in screenshot 2.

We put gravel on the piston.

Making the stairs and removing the block next to the gravel.

Now if you put a red torch next to the gravel, it will rise and we will get access to the chest.

So we get a cache, and with the right lighting, it is almost impossible to find.

1. Pay attention to the compass needle !!!!!! If the ladder stands against another wall (except the opposite one), then the mechanism will not work.
2.Sandstone and sand can be used instead of cobble and gravel.
3.If you have a sticky piston, then you can not steam with materials (instead of cobblestone and gravel, you can use anything).
4.Invented by myself so don’t search.
5. Write in comments like “I already knew” is not necessary – laid out for those who did not know.

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