Hearts Of Iron 3: Advice (Technology Change)

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July 20, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Hearts Of Iron 3: Advice (Technology Change)

Consider what we can mess up in technology, but we can … everything!

Opening _Infantry Technologies.txt

find, for example, the column “Small arms of the infantry”

infantry_guns = {
#each model gets this added to it.
infantry_brigade = {
toughness = 0.6

marine_brigade = {
toughness = 0.6

paratrooper_brigade = {
toughness = 0.7

bergsjaeger_brigade = {
toughness = 0.6

motorized_brigade = {
toughness = 0.6

mechanized_brigade = {
toughness = 0.6

imporved_police_brigade = {
toughness = 0.6
maximum_speed = 1.5

allow = {
infantry_activation = 1

research_bonus_from = {
infantry_theory = 0.3
infantry_practical = 0.5
artillery_practical = 0.2

on_completion = infantry_theory

difficulty = 1

#common for all techs.
start_year = 1918
first_offset = 1936 # 2nd model is from 1936
additional_offset = 2 #one new every 2 years
folder = infantry_folder

Now let’s make the max increase with each new level. unit speed
for this…

infantry_guns = {
#each model gets this added to it.
infantry_brigade = {
maximum_speed = 0.2
toughness = 0.6

marine_brigade = {
maximum_speed = 0.2
toughness = 0.6

paratrooper_brigade = {
maximum_speed = 0.2
toughness = 0.7

bergsjaeger_brigade = {
maximum_speed = 0.2
toughness = 0.6

motorized_brigade = {
maximum_speed = 0.2
toughness = 0.6

mechanized_brigade = {
maximum_speed = 0.2
toughness = 0.6

imporved_police_brigade = {
toughness = 0.6
maximum_speed = 1.5

allow = {
infantry_activation = 1

research_bonus_from = {
infantry_theory = 0.3
infantry_practical = 0.5
artillery_practical = 0.2

on_completion = infantry_theory

difficulty = 1

#common for all techs.
start_year = 1918
first_offset = 1936 # 2nd model is from 1936
additional_offset = 2 #one new every 2 years
folder = infantry_folder

Done! You can also drive in parameters

supply_consumption = -0.01 – And with each level, this or that unit will require less supplies (however, this number may go negative)
fuel_consumption = -0.01 – Same thing only with fuel
defensiveness = 0.20 – Increase defensiveness
toughness = 0.30 – Increased stamina
softness = 0.30 –
air_defence = 0.05 – Increase. prot.air. protection

Attack parameters

suppression = 0.20
soft_attack = 0.30
hard_attack = 0.15
air_attack = 0.05

Next, let’s take a look at Aircraft Technology.txt DO NOT CONFUSE WITH DOCTRINES!!!

for example “Large fuel tank”

large_fueltank = {

transport_plane = {
range = 50 – increase max. range
surface_defence = 1 – defense against air defense
air_defence = 1 – defense against fighters

strategic_bomber = {
range = 500
surface_defence = 1
air_defence = 1

allow = {
basic_four_engine_airframe = 1

research_bonus_from = {
aeronautic_engineering = 0.3
four_engine_aircraft_practical = 0.6
strategic_air_focus = 0.1

on_completion = aeronautic_engineering

difficulty = 2

#common for all techs.
start_year = 1939
first_offset = 1941
additional_offset = 2 #one new every 2 years
folder = bomber_folder

Can add:

maximum_speed = 20.00 – Max. speed km / h
transport_capability = 15.00 – carrying capacity
supply_consumption = 0.01 – supply consumption
fuel_consumption = 0.00 – fuel consumption

surface_detection = 0.05 – detection of ground targets
air_detection = 0.05 – air detection. goals
sea_detection = 0.05 – sea detection. goals

soft_attack = 0.00 – attack
hard_attack = 0.00 – attack
sea_attack = 0.00 – hard attack
air_attack = 0.10 – against air. attack
strategic_attack = 0.00 -strategy. bombardment
sub_attack = 0.00 – destroy. supply. goals

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