Dead by Daylight: Advice (Hack Currency)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Dead by Daylight: Advice (Hack Currency)
March 2, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dead by Daylight: Advice (Hack Currency)

  1. For hacking, we need the Cheat engine or artmoney program.
  2. Disable Steam Cloud for the game. To do this, in Steam, go to the library> right-click on the game> Properties> Updates> uncheck “Enable synchronization …”
Dead by Daylight: Advice (Hack Currency)
  1. In the firewall or firewall, block the Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Dead by Daylight \ DeadByDaylight.exe file, i.e. we close his access to the Internet
  2. Restart your computer
  3. We start the game from a shortcut or from steam
  4. We go into the game, select the character we want to pump. It could be a killer or a survivor, it doesn’t matter. Go to Equipment> Bloodweb (Loadout> Bloodweb), look at the number of points at the top
  5. Launch Cheat Engine (or Artmoney). Next, select the process (the first button under the File menu), the Process list window will open with a list of processes on the computer, select Dead by Daylight and click Open.
Dead by Daylight: Advice (Hack Currency)
  1. We look at the number of points that we have at the moment and enter it in the Value field. Set the Scan type to Exact value, and set the Value type to 4 Bytes. Click First Scan.
Dead by Daylight: Advice (Hack Currency)
  1. The found values ​​will appear in the window on the left. We’ll filter them out for accuracy. To do this, in the game we will spend points by “buying” something for ourselves in the Bloodstream. Write the new value in the same field and click Next Scan.
Dead by Daylight: Advice (Hack Currency)
  1. I have two values ​​left, so I will change them. Select with the mouse all the weeded out values ​​and drag them to the lower window of the program. There again select them and right-click on them. In the menu that appears, select Change record> Value. We enter any integer value from 0 to 500000.
Dead by Daylight: Advice (Hack Currency)
  1. That’s it, the points in the game are hacked. The number in the game will change as soon as you get out of the bloodstream or “buy” something.
Dead by Daylight: Advice (Hack Currency)
  1. Now we exit the game and allow DeadByDaylight.exe to access the Internet.
  2. Reboot your computer. Go to Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Dead by Daylight \ and delete the EasyAntiCheat folder.
  3. Go to Steam – Library – Go to the properties of Dead by Daylight – Local files – click to check the integrity of the cache
Dead by Daylight: Advice (Hack Currency)
  1. After checking, launch and play.

After hacking, steam cloud cannot be turned on!

Download Cheat Engine from our server you can here.

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