Loki: Heroes of Mythology: Tip (Collection of item properties for the file Inventory_Item.xml) [Issue 2]

Home » Gaming Tactics » Loki: Heroes of Mythology: Tip (Collection of item properties for the file Inventory_Item.xml) [Issue 2]
August 26, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Loki: Heroes of Mythology: Tip (Collection of item properties for the file Inventory_Item.xml) [Issue 2]

The archive contains a selection of properties of objects and inscriptions on objects from ordinary to legendary.
With the help of this data, you can make changes to any item.
Issue 2.Author: smartivantrack
What’s new in the release:
New sections:– Adding gold (i.e. changing its quantity in the inventory) – Adding ingots and shards of material – Adding elixirs – Changing the type and type of items
Improvements:– In the section “Adding properties to the item” there are now 35 properties, which are sorted into subsections: Attack, characteristics, health and energy, dodge and parry protection, resistances, special effects.
Minor improvements:– All property values ​​have been changed to 1. Any property values ​​you can replace with your own. They can be changed and they will be highlighted in green. – A selection of properties saved in pdf format

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