Mafia II: Definitive Edition: Tip (Bringing PhysX and Tuning Back)

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October 29, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mafia II: Definitive Edition: Tip (Bringing PhysX and Tuning Back)

Returning [PhysX] and Tuning in Mafia II: Definitive Edition

Do you want the cloak to move and the broken glass to remain on the ground, as in a classic Mafia II (Classic) ? Want tuning 3rd level in DLC? – that way!!!

How to get back [PhysX]:

Mafia II: Definitive Edition: Tip (Bringing PhysX and Tuning Back)

We go into the folder:
C: \ Users \ Taylor \ Documents \ My Games \ Mafia II Definitive Edition \ Data \ profiles \ your ID as numbersR
Open via notepad: settings.xml

We are looking for in the parameter string: Apex and set the parameter like this: 2,
where is the number 2 – this is the level removed from the game [PhysX]

Further in the game, it is necessary in the options inside the game, set not the custom settings but high.

There is another way: you need to move the folder “Cloth” inside the game folder. However for work DLC, this folder – you will have to return it.

To remove flickering you need in the control panel settings Nvidia set the vertical sync pulse to “Fast” in the game settings

Players suggested: 66GraF66, TakuCED, Plumber.

Method without deleting the Cloth folder:

1) Go to Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Mafia II Definitive Edition \ EDIT \ APEX \ Cloth
2) Opening the file ClothRemapTable.xml notebook
3) Delete 4 lines
4)Save and play

The player suggested: 66GraF66

[PhysX] Activation for Clothes !:

Particles work fully in the game APEX, however, for some reason, the physics of clothes does not work in the updated version Mafia II: Definitive Edition. Here’s how to fix it:

1) Go to the game launcher, open the “image parameters” section, set the preset overall quality to the value “HIGH” (then you can change it after you activate PhysX for clothes)

2) Go to the game folder (right-click on the game, “control” – “view local files”)

3) Go to folder EDIT / APEX, just in case, copy the folder somewhere “CLOTH”.

4) Delete the folder CLOTH.

That’s it, now the clothes have natural physics, as in the classic version Mafia II (Classic) .

The player suggested: Vito

Level 3 Tuning & DLC Stickers:

Mafia II: Definitive Edition: Tip (Bringing PhysX and Tuning Back)

1) Go to any folder DLC (\ Mafia II \ pc \ dlcs \<название DLC>)

2 )Open the file through notepad: content

3) Add to the end of the file, before 2 lines:

4) We save the file and you can go to the workshop.

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