The Elder Scrolls: Arena: Council (Artifacts)

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October 1, 2020
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Elder Scrolls: Arena: Council (Artifacts)

To get an artifact, you have to ask around people on the streets (Rumors> General) – after a while you will learn from some of them that a character is sitting in such and such a tavern with information about such and such an artifact. Go to the indicated tavern, go to the innkeeper, he takes you to the right person and for 500-900 gp he marks the dungeon on your map. This dungeon is chosen randomly, but it is always small and has 4 floors. On one of the lower floors of the dungeon there is a chest, and in it there is a map with the location of the next dungeon, in which the artifact itself is already hidden. Sounds complicated, but the whole sequence takes about an hour.

You can only have one artifact at a time, but there is a bug in the game related to the repair of items that allows you to bypass this cruel rule. The trick is that when the artifact is in your hands, you cannot get a new rumor, and if the object is thrown away, it will disappear. Here blacksmiths come to the rescue, to whom you can give some artifacts for repair.

The most useful artifact is probably the Oghma Infinium – it gives the character 50 points to allocate according to attributes and disappears. Considering that with an increase in the level, only 3-6 points are given … In general, a paradise for munchkins. But you can find the book a second time and a third – I checked; o)

Keep in mind that some of the artifacts cannot be used by all characters due to class restrictions: magicians and thieves cannot do anything (and sell too) with Lord’s Mail, Ebony Mail and Spell Breaker. There are other restrictions as well. Only rings seem to fit everyone.


# Auriel’s Bow – Elven L. Bow, -3AC overall, Fires kill spell
# Auriel’s Shield – Resist fire, magick, absorb attacks, give h.p.
# Chrysamere – Claymore, Heals, Resist Fire, Reflect Spells
# Ebony Blade – Eb. Katana, trans h.p., spell (kills, save unknown)
# Ebony Mail – Eb. Cuir. (- 14), Resist fire, spells, creates shield
# Lord’s Mail – Cuir. (- 9), Resist spells, Regeneration, Cure Poison
# Necromancer’s Amulet – -9AC overall, absorb / reflect spells, others
# Oghma Infinium – 50 Bonus points to stats (permanent)
# King Orghnum’s Coffer – gold 1 / day (1-100gp)
# Ring of Khajiit – AC -6, Invisible, Non-Target, Speed ​​Fortified
# Ring of Phynaster – -6AC overall, Resist poison, spells, shock
# Skeleton’s (Aarovan’s) Key – open door (pos. Magically held) 1 / day
# Spell Breaker – Tower Shield (-4), Spell Resistance, Silence
# Staff of Magnus – Absorb spells, Regenerate h.p.
# Volendrung – Dwarven W.H., give health, paralyze. leech strength
# Warlock’s Ring – Reflect spells, Inc. speed and health

Detailed description

Auriel’s Bow looks like a humble Elven Bow, but it is one of the most powerful weapons ever in Tamriel’s history. Created, like his brother Shield Auriel, by the great Elven half-god, the Bow can transform any arrow into flying death. Even without the power of Auriel, the bow retains its magical properties using its own supply of energy. When it is consumed, the bow will disappear and appear where chance puts it. All of his appearances have become the main topics of gossip for hundreds of years..

It is said that the Ebony Shield, Auriel’s Shield, once owned by the quasi-mythical Elven deity Auriel, can make its wielder virtually invulnerable. In its ability to resist the effects of fire and magic, Auriel’s Shield is unrivaled. To protect its wearer from any unblockable attacks, the Shield grants him or her additional health. Like many other artifacts in Tamriel, the Shield has its own life and personality and does not feel under anyone’s control. A well-known rumor tells of his disappearance from the hands of the owner at an hour of great need for her, but perhaps the rumor is unfounded.

Krisamir, Paladin’s Blade, Sword of Heroes. The attacking capabilities of this ancient broadsword are exceeded only by its own protective properties. The sword restores the wearer’s health, protects him from fire, and repels any offensive spells. Rarely has Krisamir been in the possession of any swordsman for a sufficient period of time due to the fact that he is called to glorify more than one warrior..

Ebony blade
The Ebony Blade, sometimes called the Vampire or Leech, looks like an ebony katana, but its power is truly dark. Whenever the Ebony Blade hits an opponent, some of the damage dealt is transferred to the owner in the form of mana. The blade in its essence cannot be more evil than the one who uses it, but at one point in its long existence, an enchantment was imposed on the sword, so that it will not remain long with one swordsman. The wizard who performed this enchantment tried to save the souls of those who were too carried away by the blade, and perhaps he was right…

Ebony ring
The Ebony Chainmail is an artifact created in a time that the chronicles are silent about. According to legend, its creator was the dark elven goddess Boethiah. She decides who will own the Chain Mail and for how long. The owner will be immune to all magical attacks that damage talents and health. Only Boethiah decides when the subject becomes unfit for wearing the Ebon Mail and the goddess can be very moody…

The Lord’s Mail, sometimes called the Armor of Morihaus, Gift of Kynareth, is an antique cuirass of inimitable work. She transfers the power to its owner to restore lost health, resist the effects of spells and heal from poisons. It is said that if Kynareth declares the owner unworthy, the Lord’s Mail will be removed and hidden for the next chosen one..

The Legendary Amulet of the Necromancer, the last preserved relic of the mad wizard Mannimarco, grants any spellcaster who wears it the ability to absorb magical energy and heal wounds. The amulet is mystically fortified, and the wearer is protected in the same way as if he was wearing plate armor, while the amulet does not restrict movement. All this makes the artifact equally popular among thieves and magicians. But there is one drawback of the Amulet, which is unstable in our world – it is forever doomed to approach its essence and move away from it, appearing in places far from those where it disappeared.

Oghma Infinum is a book of knowledge written by the Eternal, sage magician Xarses. Everyone who reads the Infinum is filled with the energy of the artifact, which can be used to develop one of the abilities to a level close to that of a half-god. Once read, the legends say, the Oghma Infinium will disappear.

The Casket of King Orgnum is a small chest of unremarkable appearance. It is surprisingly light, almost weightless, which allows you to understand its true magic. Once a day, the chest creates gold out of nothing. When King Orgnum himself possessed the casket, its supply was limitless. Those who discovered it afterwards report that the chest disappears, having created enough gold to put the wealthiest merchants to shame. Where and why it disappears is a mystery.

The Khajiit Ring is an ancient relic, hundreds of years older than Rajhin, the thief, thanks to whom the Ring gained its fame. Rajhin used the powers of the Ring to make himself invisible, silent and swift like a breath of wind. Using the Ring, he became the most successful burglar in Elsweyr history. Rajhin’s extraordinary fate still remains a mystery, but based on legends, one can judge that the Ring resisted such constant use and disappeared, leaving Rajhin helpless in the face of his enemies….

Finaster’s Ring was created hundreds of years ago by a person who needed good protection throughout his adventurous life. Thanks to the Ring, Finaster lived for hundreds of years, and since then it has passed from one owner to another. The ring endows its wearer with overprotection from damage and provides full immunity to poisons, spells and electricity. However, Finaster was cunning and decided to curse the Ring. Sooner or later, it disappears from the property of its holder and returns to another place where it rests, not remaining anywhere except at Finaster himself.

The power of the Skeleton Key is quite simple. With the help of it, any door, locked in a non-magical way, or a chest, easily become accessible even for an inexperienced burglar. Especially skillful burglars, when using the Key, will even be able to open some magically locked doors. Two prohibitions imposed on the Key by wizards who tried to protect their warehouses were that the Key can only be used once a day, and it never remains in the possession of one thief for a long time. Some owners made themselves rich even before the disappearance of the Key, while others were able to enter places where they could never enter…

The Spellbreaker, which looks like a Dwarven tower shield, is one of Tamriel’s most coveted ancient relics. In addition to its historical significance dating back to the Battle of Rourken and Shalidor, the Enchantment Breaker almost completely protects its wearer from any spellcasters, dispelling magic or forcing any wizard to remain silent while casting a spell. Rumor has it that the Destroyer of Charms is still looking for its true owner, and will not remain in anyone’s property for a long time. For most, having a Spellbreaker for a while is enough.

King Rourken, the last of the Dwarven kings, received the Enchantment Breaker made for the war against the wizard Shalidor. He was lost in a decisive battle, and, from time to time, reappeared in the lands. The key to where it is drunk now seems to be in the province of Hammerfell. In my travels, I came across an ancient text reporting on a place called. I quickly rewrote the location and then destroyed the text. I have signed this place on your map of the continent. This is where you will find the map that will lead you to the Enchantress.

The Staff of Magnus, one of Tamriel’s oldest artifacts, served as a meta-physical recharge for its creator, Arch-Mage Magnus. When used, it restores the magician’s health and mystical energy with tangible consistency. The staff will leave its owner in time, before he or she becomes too powerful and upset the mystical balance that he has vowed to keep.

The Hammer of Might, Voledrang, is said to have been created by the dwarves of the now-disintegrated Rourken clan, hundreds of years before their disappearance from the world of Tamriel. It has the ability to give its owner health, but it is best known for the paralyzing and power-draining effects that appear when throwing a hammer at an enemy. Like the dwarves who created it, Voledrang is susceptible to sudden extinction, appearing sometimes after days, sometimes after eras..

Arch-Mage Cyrabane’s ring is one of the most common relics in myth and rumor. In the ancient history of Tamriel, Cyrabane saved an entire continent through the righteous use of his Ring, and later, it served travelers for less grandiose purposes. It is better known for its ability to reflect spells on its wearer, thereby enhancing his or her speed and strength, although it may have additional power as well. No adventurer can wear the Sorcerer’s Ring for a long time, for it is said that the Ring is given to the submission only to Cyrabane.

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