Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty: Tip (Resolution Problem Resolution)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty: Tip (Resolution Problem Resolution)
September 15, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty: Tip (Resolution Problem Resolution)

Go to the game folder

Example: G: \ Program Files \ Programs \ Turning Point – Fall of Liberty \ Engine \ Config

Open BaseEditor.ini in the Gonfig folder
We poke hot keys Ctrl + F and find the line WindowPosition

The current resolution will also be written there.
Example: Width = 1280, Height = 1024

Change the values ​​to the resolution at which you want to play
Example: Width = 1280, Height = 1024

Anti-aliasing issue can be resolved by tweaking through NVIDIA Control Panel

In the task selection list, select “3D Settings” – “Manage 3D Settings”, then select the “Program Settings” tab and select the program to configure, i.e. Turning Point – Fall of Liberty

In the line “Anti-Aliasing-Mode” select “Override Application Settings”
In the line “Anti-aliasing-parameters” select any anti-aliasing parameter you want from 2x to 16x
We press to apply

Have a good game!

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