B.A.S.E. Jumping: Tip (Tips and tactics for the game)

Home » Gaming Tactics » B.A.S.E. Jumping: Tip (Tips and tactics for the game)
November 24, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

B.A.S.E. Jumping: Tip (Tips and tactics for the game)

In career mode, you can turn off pause on events by pressing and holding the “Left shift” key.

Skill “pumping” occurs automatically, the moment you use this skill. So, for example, the “pumping” of endurance occurs at the moment when the character received a painful shock after opening the parachute.

The time dilation effect depends on the level of adrenaline in the blood. You can increase your adrenaline level by standing near the edge of the exit point for a while (among basezers, this technique is often called an obscene word).

Delay is the free fall time that begins at the moment of separation from the exit. The length of the delay determines how the parachute is stowed.

Slider-up is a method of parachute packing in which a mesh slider on the lines slows down the filling of the canopy. This method of laying is practiced if you are going to make a jump with a long delay (more than 4 seconds).

Attention! It is not recommended to make slider-up jumps with a small delay: at such speeds, the slider makes the filling of the canopy unstable and can lead to malfunctions in the operation of the parachute system.

Slider down is a way of stowing the parachute, in which the mesh slider is tied at the bottom and does not affect the dynamics of the canopy filling – in this case, the canopy is filled almost instantly (the so-called “hard opening”). This method of laying is practiced if you are going to make a jump with a short delay (up to 4 seconds).

Attention! An inexperienced character can be seriously injured if he experiences a hard opening with a 3-4 second delay!

The pilot chute, in fact, pulls the parachute canopy out of the knapsack.

The size of the pilot chute for a jump is selected depending on the length of the delay – the longer the delay, the smaller the pilot chute will be required.

Attention! Installation of a pilot chute that does not correspond to the conditions of the jump can lead to malfunctions in the operation of the parachute system.

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