BloodRayne 2: Council (Tips and tactics for the game)

Home » Gaming Tactics » BloodRayne 2: Council (Tips and tactics for the game)
June 16, 2020
4 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

BloodRayne 2: Council (Tips and tactics for the game)

In a mission where you have to harpoon 4 vampire ninjas into a helicopter, you don’t have to bother with a harpoon. There is a very small passage to the right of the helicopter. Rain will pass there, and the vampires will bump into the blades themselves 🙂

In a mission where you need to soak 6 biomech (such big and fat freaks), we do not suffer with slowdown and BloodHammer – there is an excellent heavy machine gun.

The location of the secret “vampire rookeries”:

Vampire Lair

0 Zerenzki’s Mansion: Entry – opposite the first portal bath-bed
1 Union Station: Shopping Plaza – a room just after the second escalator
2 The Sewers: Access Tunnels – behind the third machine gun a waterfall
3 The Sewers: Smuggling Route – three horizontal bars at the end of the slide
4 Wetworks: Electrification Silos – at the end of the first rail three rods
5 Wetworks: Mess Hall – no elevator on the second floor
6 Wetworks: Chemical Processing – first after three long rooms on the left
7 Wetworks: Turbine – room near the turbine near the elevator on the left
8 Wetworks: Bone Crushers and Furnace opposite the second elevator under the stairs
9 Wetworks: Loading Bay – Conveyor Belt Glass Door
10 Shroud Tower: Ascent – after the lungs under the very ceiling aura
11 Twisted Park: The Aquarium – bear pit with a waterfall near the carousel
12 Kagan’s Tower: Xerx’s Laboratories at the top of the second quad-spiral staircase
13 Kagan’s Tower: Llewelyn Corporate three horizontal bars and hanging from the pipe into the room
14 Kagan’s Tower: Media Center – by killing the dhampir on the right as you exit the room
15 Kagan’s Tower: Rooftop – first run to the tower on the right

to clarify the name of the current level, press Esc, for the screen Esc and Tab 🙂

The game is pretty simple. All the main puzzles are solved by the go-and-destroy method or the developers’ favorite method of throwing_harpoon (applied to 95% of all puzzles), it is during this that you should train your weapon (depending on the mode, your own changes, but always the cost of a shot and the power of the shot, and sometimes and rate of fire) and “zhivoderskie” points (life bar and “mana” -bar increases) because until you throw the right number of people where you need to, the opponents will not end.

As for the bosses, everything is pretty transparent. It is worth noting that in the battle with that aunt using the shadow, you must first destroy all the objects that throw it back, and then take it up, as well as patience, rapid speed and the old Russian kind word (not always decent).

In the Union Station: Shopping Plaza level, in order to throw enemies into the shields, let the enemies approach them and just kick them in, you don’t need to slow down.
And the enemies need to be thrown so that they are in two shields at once.

Help for the last fight with the Kagan. If you look closely, you can find a sun cannon in the hall (directly opposite the entrance). It should be used when the beaten Kagan goes to feed in the fountain.

This means that our lady would suffer less when harpooning enemies (into a fireplace, fan, etc.) there is one little trick.
Type the code BLUEGREENPURPLEIMP (don’t be surprised if it writes in hieroglyphs), and calmly approach the fan (or something else), and wait for your enemies to run up. This is where it begins … Press Escape, select cheat codes from the menu. In one of the lines on the side you will be offered a choice: thawed / frost. Choose frost (just click the mouse or the arrow), press Escape several times and you are back in the game, only your enemies stand still and do not react to you in any way. Well, then you calmly harpoon them! If the enemies run out (heh), then you choose to thaw. And so on to infinity…

In a battle with the last boss, if we’re too lazy to fuss, we get up into a bloody waterfall, wait for a guy, stop the time that we have constantly replenished, and slowly, picking our nose, we press the blow.

On the bar level, there is an Easter egg on the top floor with a fan. In the far left corner there are two slot machines, one of which shows the fight scenes from the first BloodRayne.

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