Hero Siege: Tip (Save Edit)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Hero Siege: Tip (Save Edit)
May 8, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Hero Siege: Tip (Save Edit)

1 – To edit the save, we need to go to the address:

* user * \ AppData \ Local \ Hero_Siege \ save_folder

2 – You need the herosiege0.pas files – the number means the slot. i.e. 0-1 character slot, 1-2 character slot. 

Open with Netepad ++ or notepad.

3 – If you have just started games and you have the first level, then upon opening you will immediately see:

name = “Gtr” – your name, here you can make sure that you have opened the slot you need.
experience = 180.000000 – current experience of the character.
max_experience = 250.000000 – maximum character experience, reaching which the character will receive a level increase.
level = “1.000000” – character level.
stamina = “1.000000” – physique, endurance.
armor = “1.000000” – armor, resistance.
swiftness = “1.000000” – attack speed, agility. (Not sure)
strength = “1.000000” – Strength, damage.

crystalsalkeys = “0.000000” – crystal keys, opens a diamond chest.
keys = “0.000000” – regular key, opens a gold chest and doors.

gold = “0.000000” – amount of gold.

For those who have already played quite a few and see an inventory sheet instead of the familiar lines, just use the search “Ctrl + F”, and enter any line from the list there and press Enter.

Enjoy your game everyone!

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