Legends of Eisenwald: Advice (Adding Fighters to the Squad)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Legends of Eisenwald: Advice (Adding Fighters to the Squad)
March 26, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Legends of Eisenwald: Advice (Adding Fighters to the Squad)

To replenish your squad with new fighters, during the game press ~ and enter the following code:

addpers <Х> [PLAYER_ARMY]

where X is the fighter’s number (the complete list is in the personages folder)

For example: “addpers 63 [PLAYER_ARMY]” – adds a knight to your army.

Here is a sample list of fighters:

24: Veteran Archer
25: Archer Sergeant
29: Crossbowman
30: Veteran Crossbowman
31: Sergeant Crossbowman
32: Lector
33: Acolyte
34: Deacon
35: Priest
36: Bishop
37: Monk
38: Inquisitor
39: Battle Monk
40: Noble
41: Warlock
42: Necromancer
43: Lich
44: Apostate
45: Heretic
46: Heresiarch
47: Earl
48: Landgraf
49: Freiherr
50: Peasant Woman
51: Herbalist Woman
52: Apothecary Woman
53: Healer Woman
54: Enchantress
55: Witch
56: Hag
57: Young Noble
58: Duelist
59: Fencer
60: Swordmaster
61: Esquire
62: Armiger
63: Knight
64: Paladin

To avoid crashing the game, do not add characters with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28.

Cheat Codes were tested on Steam license version 1.31, other versions of the game were not tested

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