Loki: Heroes of Mythology: Advice (Removing traces of appearance in locations)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Loki: Heroes of Mythology: Advice (Removing traces of appearance in locations)
March 6, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Loki: Heroes of Mythology: Advice (Removing traces of appearance in locations)

The folder along the path “Loki \ Data \ Level \ Generated” contains the contents of files of visits to locations and all changes made and contains these files, information about monsters, items that fell to the ground, etc..

If you need to make it so that you are supposedly visiting this location for the first time, then you need to delete a specific xmd file.

Let’s consider the file as an example: Ivan_Game_Solo__Easy_Village_Nordique_LevelState.xmd

Ivan – Character name

Game_Solo – type of game (single or multiplayer), in this case single.

Easy – difficulty (in this case Mortal)

Village_Nordique – location (in this case, “Village of Tordein”)

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