Scrapland: Tips and tactics for playing

Home » Gaming Tactics » Scrapland: Tips and tactics for playing
November 16, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Scrapland: Tips and tactics for playing

It is very convenient to have a company of mercenaries. It only costs 1000 tugriks to hire (3 lives), and the benefits are worth a million.
For example, in the mission to shoot down a police cargo ship, we calmly shoot the “truck” while the mercenaries selflessly guard us from the police. The same situation in the assignment from Archbishop Igor – while you calmly cut off the civilian population, the mercenaries crush the police, adding to everything else you bonus “for the destroyed police squad”.

If you want to make a lot of money, then blow into the dump and rock flies to urinate mosquitoes near their nests. Mosquitoes are endless, and for one mosquito they give $ 100.

You can easily get rid of the police. We fly to Rusty and quickly fly over the letter “R” until the ship lands. The police will be left behind.

The second way to make money quickly is to call different robots (preferably rich ones) to battles and races.

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