Punch Club: Tip (How to Hack Skill Points via ArtMoney)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Punch Club: Tip (How to Hack Skill Points via ArtMoney)
June 17, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Punch Club: Tip (How to Hack Skill Points via ArtMoney)

There is not much time for games, therefore, to reduce the time of the gameplay, I like to break any uncritical malafy through the artman. I saw that many of the Punch Club cannot break, and decided to unsubscribe here on the topic of hacking skill points – those very “yellow hexagonal chips” that are above the currency. There is nothing complicated, in fact.

I broke it like this:

1) I have accumulated more than seven tokens without spending, so that you can pump three skills;

2) I was looking for the type “with a point of 4 bytes”, pumping skills and without closing the skill pumping window.

I do not know about closing the skill window, but if I searched before the fight / sparring, and eliminated it after – the value was not found; whether the shaitan was weird, or the memory is redistributed before / after the battle, x / s.

Important: do not set too large a number – personally, when I set more than 900 skill points, nifig did not change, and the address of the value skipped away. Better to hack a second time, and put 800 both times, for example.

P.S. A trainer for money and hacking of skill points was enough for me for a “comfortable” game. Most likely, strength / dexterity / endurance can also be broken like this, but I have not tried it – otherwise it’s completely boring.

To health.

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