Dragon age 2: Advice (How to “Resurrect” Bethany or Carver)

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March 4, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dragon age 2: Advice (How to “Resurrect” Bethany or Carver)

It’s simple…

If you are a Mage and want to resurrect Bethany (It is best to do this during the first chapter), do the following:
1) Go to the properties of the shortcut and add the inscription -enabledeveloperconsole after the quote
2) This should be done only if the FIRST chapter – press “ё” change the language (if the default is Russian, attention – the console is not visible, but everything is entered!) Enter runscript zz_bet_debug a dialogue window will open … with yourself…

3) click “Birthright quest” next “1. Gamlen Argument”. You will be ported into the house, Bethany will appear in the window with satellites.

The same can be done with Carver.
Command – runscript zz_car_debug
Then everything is the same.

But now about the bad.
There are so many bugs. To resurrect a brother / sister without bugs can only be a crack-program which is not yet available.

I will describe a few:
In the first place, I advise you to fix Bethany / Carver after the meeting with Varik, otherwise he just did not appear for me (well, you know the video where the thief steals money from you, returns it to Varrick), so I just did not have it (Beth was with me at once and Carver), and I could not fix it, even through cheats, I had to start the game from the beginning.
A similar situation with Isabella – she did not appear in the third chapter (also did not go with the video where she wets alcoholics).
Let’s go back to the deep paths – I play initially as a Warrior, and I do NOT take Carver with me, but I take Beth (my mother also says “Thank God” that I did not take my brother) then when she becomes infected with this godly plague and dies (but still remains in the window of companions) which should not be at all, but this is not the end – the game counts Carver as dead, after his return, his mother blames me for his death (well, I’m a bastard!), although he was at home all the time…
There is still a minor bug – from the very beginning (if you are a magician and Bethany dies), all characters and the game will consider her dead, even if you resurrected her using cheats.
Well, that is, when you import the save, where you are a mage, Bethany Corpse. Not god.

How to fix these bugs, I do not know at all and I have no idea.

If there are good Hackers, then make such a crack program that inspires the game that your character is a warrior or horns, although in the game he is a magician, and vice versa, so that there are no problems with the family.

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